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Last week I shared about one of my all time favourite books for primary students,Pat le chat : J’adore mes souliers blancs. You can read more about it here. This book was the inspiration for my French emergent reader: J’adore mes souliers and is my Back to School pick for this week!
Like many of my emergent readers, J’adore mes souliers includes a large 8 1/2 by 11 version of the book in colour. I use this version to read to my students and eventually to put in our classroom library! Some students even ask to take it home as their home reading choice. With a simple pattern and great illustrations, the book is perfect for my beginning readers!
Let’s take a look inside:
I just love the illustrations by Scrappindoodles! I purposely chose images in black and white to make the shoe colours really pop! Each page features a child doing a different activity at school. While the book does not talk about the activities, I use one of our read aloud sessions to talk about the different actions the characters are doing and to begin to introduce the vocabulary to my students.
J’adore mes souliers also includes smaller, half page sized black and white versions of the book. One is a colouring book, with the illustrations. I have also left the words open so that students can practice tracing the words.
The other black and white version does not have illustrations and students can draw themselves around the school with their different colour shoes! Or, if you want to use this booklet in response to Pat le chat : J’adore mes souliers blancs, students could draw themselves stepping in a pile of grass and wearing green shoes, stepping in a pile of blueberries and wearing blue shoes etc.
As a final project with this book, I have my students each contribute a page to our class book. Class books are very popular in my classroom and I will share more about them in a future post. The idea is that each person in the class contributes a page to the book. Once everyone is finished, I bind the pages together and create the book. My students love to see their work in a book and I usually send our class book home with students to be shared with their family and then brought back.
With the class book, I have provided two versions depending on your student’s needs. On has students simply filling in the colour of their shoes and the second version has students writing the complete sentence.
The complete package for J’adore mes souliers is available in my TPT store – just click on the picture below!
Read More: Read Aloud Wednesdays: Pat le Chat: J’adore mes souliers blancs
Read More: Read Aloud Wednesdays: David va à l’école
Read More: Read Aloud Wednesdays: Dans mon sac à dos
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